Advancing with Watercolor: Winer Meditations - "Shadows Over the Snow"
Edges - Shadows over the snow
By now we are more able to look at a scene and begin to translate what we see into watercolor technique - we ask the questions where will I use soft edges And where will I use hard or rough edges and our watercolor plan begins its evolution. The watercolor plan gives a reliable way to think about what we are seeing and find a way through the image. Some areas are obvious - some are not. The shadows in our scene today are a combination of soft shadows and hard shadows. Each applied in a different time and state. - This is the craft of watercolor. Beyond the craft is the design and design is a principle of all visual communication.
What will you need this week
I use Saunders Waterford paper 11 x 15 , rough surface
I am using cad yellow light, yellow ochre, cad orange red, burnt Sienna, cobalt and and some titanium white in creating my mixtures. Again - use what you have.
A large flat 2” and a 1 inch flat, a couple of sabelette rounds large and small..
Tape, spay bottle, paper towel, hair dryer
This weeks Drill
In This weeks study I will be using a single color to help me in deciding on the lights and darks/ and how to create depth and luminosity in this painting